Transform your love-life from the inside out and manifest your perfect match.

You are not meant to struggle finding love, and you don’t need to search for it.

As an A-list matchmaker for nearly two decades, I have met thousands of singles who are stuck and struggling to find love. My biggest insider secret is: stop seeking love, start attracting love. You don’t need a matchmaker, you simply need a muse to inspire, teach, and support you.

The power is already in you. I’ll help you tap into your power.

Nicci Sprouse - Lovelife Muse

Who is the Lovelife Muse?

If you’re single, you’re not here by chance. I’m glad your intuition led you here.

As a published advice columnist and A-list matchmaker for close to 20 years, I have the answers, intel, and tools you need. My mission is to help you get to the heart of the matter to discover what’s holding you back. It’s possible your mindset, your emotions, or your energy are blocking you from experiencing the love you deserve and I am here to help. As your Lovelife Muse I will guide you to explore solutions with a spiritual spin, taking you on a journey from single to soulmate to successful relationship. Knowing & fixing what’s holding you back in the short term will leverage a healthy, happy love life for the long haul. This is the core of my philosophy and approach.

I have developed proven methods and daily practices that I recommend to hundreds of clients and friends, reinforced by my spiritual connection. Even if you don’t understand manifesting. Now I’m sharing my personal playbook to meeting your perfect match so it can easily be used by everyone.

My 3-Step Methodology For Meeting Your Match

The Lovelife Muse Methodology is a powerful integrative system for bringing your lovelife dreams into reality, with your emotional/physical/spiritual well-being as your framework.

Mentorship - Lovelife Muse


A comprehensive, one-on-one approach to personal growth and relationship success: Through our Lovelife Analysis, we delve into your unique experiences to provide actionable advice, helping you release past obstacles, reset your mindset, and receive the tools from a Personalized Playbook to create the love-life you desire.

Mindset - Lovelife Muse


Daily Practices, Guided Meditations, and Empowerment Tools: Ready to unlock your true potential and lead a fulfilling love life? Shift your mindset and open yourself to endless opportunities while rewriting the narrative of your own success.

Mindset - Lovelife Muse


Love Lessons & On-Demand Course Library: Discover the power of intention as you actively pursue actions aligned with your desires, allowing love to effortlessly appear in your life. Embrace the process of visualization and positive affirmations to attract love, and witness as the universe conspires to bring your heart's desires to fruition.

“Wherever you are on your love life journey, your timing is perfect. I’m here to support, inspire, and celebrate you.”

~ Your Lovelife Muse

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